God's Word For Today

2 Timothy 2.1-4.22

Listen to 2 Timothy 2.1-4.22 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

1 Timothy 5.1-2 Timothy 1.18

Listen to 1 Timothy 5.1-2 Timothy 1.18 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

1 Timothy 1.1-4.16

Listen to 1 Timothy 1.1-4.16 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

1 Thessalonians 5.1-2 Thessalonians 3.18

Listen to 1 Thessalonians 5.1-2 Thessalonians 3.18 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

1 Thessalonians 1.1-4.18

Listen to 1 Thessalonians 1.1-4.18 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Colossians 3.12-Philemon 1.25

Listen to Colossians 3.12-Philemon 1.25 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Colossians 1.1-3.11

Listen to Colossians 1.1-3.11 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Philippians 2.1-4.23

Listen to Philippians 2.1-4.23 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Galatians 5.17-Philippians 1.30

Listen to Galatians 5.17-Philippians 1.30 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Galatians 3.1-4.16

Listen to Galatians 3.1-4.16 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America