God's Word For Today

Messiah 09 ICor 15/Rev 05.-.

Listen to Messiah 09 ICor 15/Rev 05.-. from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Messiah 08 Rev 11/Job 19.-.

Listen to Messiah 08 Rev 11/Job 19.-. from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Messiah 07 Ps 16/ 24/Is 52/Ps 02/Rev 19

Listen to Messiah 07 Ps 16/ 24/Is 52/Ps 02/Rev 19

God's Word For Today

Messiah 06 Psalm 22/ 69/Lam 1.1-15.-.

Listen to Messiah 06 Psalm 22/ 69/Lam 1.1-15.-. from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Messiah 05 John 01/Isaiah 53.-.

Listen to Messiah 05 John 01/Isaiah 53.-. from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Messiah 04 Zech 09/Isaiah 35/Matt 11

Listen to Messiah 04 Zech 09/Isaiah 35/Matt 11 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Messiah 03 Isaiah 09/Luke 02

Listen to Messiah 03 Isaiah 09/Luke 02 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Messiah 02 Mal 3/Isaiah 7 / 60.1-14a

Listen to Messiah 02 Mal 3/Isaiah 7 / 60.1-14a from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America