God's Word For Today

Galatians 1.1-2.21

Listen to Galatians 1.1-2.21 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Judges 20.29-21.25

Listen to Judges 20.29-21.25 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Judges 19.14-20.28

Listen to Judges 19.14-20.28 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Judges 18.1-19.13

Listen to Judges 18.1-19.13 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Judges 16.4-17.13

Listen to Judges 16.4-17.13 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Judges 14.1-16.3

Listen to Judges 14.1-16.3 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Judges 11.34-13.25

Listen to Judges 11.34-13.25 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Judges 10.1-11.33

Listen to Judges 10.1-11.33 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Ruth 3.1-4.22

Listen to Ruth 3.1-4.22 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America

God's Word For Today

Ruth 1.1-2.23

Listen to Ruth 1.1-2.23 from the King James Bible as read by Pastor Brad Canterbury on today’s edition of God’s Word for Today, produced by VCY America